Sunday, September 7, 2008

Late Bloomer

Hello everyone! This is my first post. I am rather a late bloomer – be it make up, shoes ( I am always running atleast 4 seasons behind), driving or blogging.

Three years ago I went t to buy some make up. Sales men and women at make up stores used to intimidate me especially when they are all done up and seem to have flawless skin and exquisite make up on. I summoned up the courage to go ask the following question “ umm I have never used make – up and I am umm looking for a foundation”. I thought although they look intimidating surely they will be delighted to find someone like myself, a total novice, to take advantage of and sell everything to? I was prepared to look as unworldly in the world of make up as possible if it meant that I will be in and out of the store with ego unscathed.

So I went to MAC in Sydney and hovered around some make up till a sales girl came to assist me. I immediately launched into my script – “umm I have never used make – up and I am umm looking for a foundation”. After I had finished that one golden sentence, I waited expectantly with an almost pleased look on my face. What followed next was out of my nightmares. The sales girl gave me a withering look and said “ oh my really…you are a late bloomer aren’t you..oh well come with me lets see what we can get you..”. I thought to myself, shucks, don’t I pass for 21or 22 – or is that pretty late too. I must really be behind times. Then she revealed “ I started wearing make up when I was 16”. I was almost tempted to ask, oh last year you mean – so flawless and young was her skin. But kept the thought tomyself, my opening line had done enough damage and I had to contain that first before I could unleash another.

So I just meekly followed her. She gave me a look that said “what am I going to do with her?”. She sat me on a chair and took some foundation and rubbed it on my face with her brush. Then she remarked, you have a lot of facial hair. I cringed inside and said very bravely “yes I do”. The next question that followed was seriously out of my nightmares – I wanted to pinch myself to check. Surely I was sleeping. The plan was going awfully awry. Sales girl asks – “So don’t you remove the facial hair?”. I said another brave “No”. She says then “My goodness, I am curious how you have avoided make up for so long?!”. She looked incredulous. I mumbled some answer. Needless to say I didn’t buy anything. Its almost as if the Sales girl was expecting this and didn’t really show any interest in selling any product to me. Almost as if, it was a sacrilege not to have worn make up for so long and have the audacity to buy some NOW. So I stumbled out of the shop, my confidence reeling and I swore to myself – never again – no make up!

Last year, I bought an entire set from Mac. Wonderful product really. The sales girl was the likes of my first innocent imagination from 3 years. She even did my make up for that day and sent me home! I have been very loyal to Mac ever since.

Anyway, so the point I am making is that I decided this year that I am done being a late bloomer and set out to buy the iphone. Initially I was going to buy it a couple of years later. So I scoured shops only to find that, iphone though fantastic was being offered on lousy plans. So instead went with LG viewty – still current and on a fantastic plan.

Feeling pleased with myself :).

So hi to everyone!!


Primalsoup said...

Hello from another late bloomer. :)

have wifi, will write said...

Better to bloom late than wither early ;) You are so brave to approach a makeup salesperson. I remember being at the mercy of one when I was 23 when she began tut-tutting over "sun-damage" and sighing in resignation, "well, I guess you can always have a face-lift ..." Apparently, I was supposed to feel it was all over at 23!